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Partner with Us: High School Research Programs

Our Unique Approach to Engaging Teenagers

Our high school programs are designed for students who have a curiosity about science but don’t have opportunities in their own school to work with a scientist on a real research project. We aim to bridge the gaps and welcome all high school students worldwide who have a desire to use STEM to tackle challenges in their communities. 

Ways to Work with Us

There are several ways we partner with external organizations to offer high school students exciting opportunities to deepen their understanding of STEM.

  • You can sponsor an Innovation Challenge for high school students. Level up the partnership by creating an employee engagement program, where you not only sponsor the project but also encourage your staff to serve as mentors to the high school student teams.
  • We can collaborate to develop an event series tailored to the interests of our high school community that meets your organizational objectives.
  • You can support our annual Virtual Student Symposium through sponsorship and/or providing speakers from your organization.

Impact Report

Download the New York Academy of Sciences STEM Education 10-Year Impact Report, 2024.

GENERATION STEM: Empowering Scientists of the Future

Contact Us

To partner on a program aimed at engaging STEM-interested high school students, contact

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