High School Resources
Resources for High School Students
The Academy is proud to offer resources to help high school students interested in STEM careers navigate the journey towards succcessful post-secondary studies. Our free video series focus on four areas that are essential to students considering STEM fields: College Readiness, Communication, Leadership Skills, and Creative Problem-Solving. Check them out!
College Readiness Series
The college admissions process can be arduous, confusing and stressful. We make it simple by breaking it down into a step-by-step guide that includes tips on developing study skills, finding the right college, and financing your education.

> College Readiness Video Series
Leadership Skills Series
What characteristics do great leaders possess? Our Leadership Skills videos cover the essentials that students need to succeed in any career, including those in STEM fields.

Communication Series
Success in a STEM career is often dependent on the ability to share important but complex information in a way that people can understand. Our Communication video series highlights the skills students need to communicate more effectively.

Creative Problem-Solving Series
STEM professionals solve some of the most challenging problems in the world using the art of design thinking. Students gain an introduction to this important mindset in this engaging video series.