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Paul Sagoe

PhD candidate
Syracuse University 

As a student member of The New York Academy of Sciences, my membership has been immensely beneficial both professionally and personally. Professionally, the Academy has provided me with invaluable networking opportunities, allowing me to connect with accomplished professionals and fellow students in my field. Getting access to Academy events, online courses, webinars, and digital content, along with the opportunity to participate in other virtual educational symposiums, has also enabled me to stay updated on the latest advancements in my area of study, fostering a personal learning experience and deeper understanding of current research and scientific trends in my field.

Appy Bhattacharya

PhD Scientist
NYU Tandon School of Engineering  

Some of the highlights of my membership in NYAS are being selected for Science Alliance Leadership fellowship, participating in Scientist-in-Residence to mentor middle schoolers and getting them excited about a career in science, and also gaining valuable mentorship through their mentor-mentee pairing program. It’s been an incredible experience!

Zahid Hossain

Digital Euro Association

NYAS membership has been instrumental in my professional growth, providing unparalleled networking opportunities, access to cutting-edge research, and collaborative platforms. Personally, the diverse events and resources have enriched my knowledge and broadened my perspective. It’s a dynamic community that continually fuels my passion for science and fosters meaningful connections.

Amanda Obidike

Executive Director
STEM Makers of Africa  

The New York Academy of Sciences has provided a platform to engage younger voices who view science as a solution to the world’s challenges. It has been an opportunity to leverage on solid networks, collaborate, and demonstrate leadership through Science and Technology.  The Academy has built my belief in the capacity of mentorship.

Dawei Jiang

Deputy Secretary
General of the Reproductive Health Special Committee of the China Population Culture Promotion Association

I joined the Academy to increase opportunities for exchanges with experts and become friends with them to explore more advanced knowledge and contribute to the scientific and technological progress of mankind.

Guilherme Durvan António Zandamela

PhD student
The Scripps Research Institute

The greatest benefit in joining the Academy was meeting and befriending like-minded people from all around the globe. It has been inspirational to see how the peers I met and I have all grown over the years. I was initially invited to be a young member of the Academy and later chose to remain close because I identified with the academy’s ideals and appreciated the continued impact of its programs on aspiring scientists, problem-solvers, and tactful leaders.

Maurice Yakoun, MD

Specializing in digestive surgery  

The Academy has offered opportunities for contact support and communications services as well as professional and personal development.

Maitreyi Muralidhar

Student member

Joining the Academy as a young member has truly been a remarkable experience. Through the mentoring platform, I was able to connect with students across the globe and meet amazing mentors who have played a huge part in my life! I am grateful for all the skills I picked up from doing the challenges like scientific reasoning and critical thinking, which will surely go a long way!

Federico Del Giorgio Solfa

Industrial Designer
National University of La Plata  

The Academy has allowed me to interact with academics from all over the world, share reflections and undertake joint initiatives. Likewise, from meeting people from different cultures, I have been able to deduce various methodologies for applied research.

Faria Khan

Postdoctoral Fellow
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health   

I joined as a mentor in 2018 when I was a PhD student. I took part in academy’s mentoring programs, interacted with young students who wanted to learn more about STEM and in turn benefited by learning how to be a good mentor to young students.