Experiencing the 2024 Solar Eclipse in NYC and Beyond
As a historic eclipse graced the skies above New York City and other parts of the country on April 8, 2024, staff members with The New York Academy of Sciences were not going to miss out on this rare opportunity. Below are submissions from a handful of Academy staff who documented this historic happening.
Sanaz Masserat (center), Event Coordinator, views the eclipse near the 9/11 Memorial in lower Manhattan. She is flanked by Leo R. Chavez (left), who gave a distinguished lecture for the Academy’s Anthropology Section later that night, and Stephanie Rupp (right), Associate Director of the Anthropology Department at Lehman College.Sanaz Masserat, Event Coordinator, captured this image of the eclipse while viewing it from downtown Manhattan.Mila Rosenthal, Executive Director of the International Science Reserve, gazes at the eclipse from Pymatuning Lake in northeast Ohio, near her hometown of Youngstown. A shot of the corona in its “shiny totality” in northeast Ohio taken by Mila Rosenthal, Executive Director of the International Science Reserve. Anand, son of Mamta Tahiliani from the Awards team, witnessed the eclipse while standing on Broadway in New York City. Melanie Brickman Borchard, Director of Life Sciences, took in the eclipse alongside her daughter, Catalina, from a rooftop in midtown Manhattan.
The Academy’s digital content manager Nick Fetty shot this southwest facing timelapse video (sped up to 20X speed) of the eclipse as it passed by the Academy’s office at 115 Broadway around 3:20 p.m. It looks like you can see the crescent moon (perhaps reflecting off the lens or other glass) in the middle of the video frame during the first 10 seconds.